Prostate Cancer Book – Foreword

By Professor Villis Marshall AC
Chair, Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Some may say, “Why do we need to produce new editions of a patient guidebook?” It is because we need to understand that medicine is constantly evolving and new knowledge is expanding at an incredible rate.

It has been estimated that in the 1950s medical knowledge was doubling every 50 years. Almost unbelievable is that medical knowledge in 2020 was doubling every 73 days! A major problem for the medical profession and the community is how we sift the wheat from the chaff. This edition again provides clear contemporary information for men concerned about the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Once again these chapters cover all aspects of prostate cancer co-written by experts in these areas and with clear summaries at the end of each chapter.

It brings together the most up-to-date information about the genetic aspects of prostate cancer and the risk of inheriting prostate cancer.

Another area where there is increasing interest and comprehensively covered is how a man can reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer through diet and lifestyle. Similarly, when to be tested for prostate cancer and what needs to be considered if the PSA test is found to be elevated is updated in this edition.

This edition also takes into account how men can best manage the uncertainties that still surround prostate cancer. Many of these uncertainties have been outlined in easy to follow language.

This new edition offers clarity about best practise but also highlights areas that still require more research and more answers.

This 4th edition will continue in the tradition of the preceding editions by bringing to men and their families a comprehensive update on all aspects of prostate cancer.